Ribbon Commands on the S5 // Dashboard Tab

Use the ribbon commands to perform such tasks as select a layout, change the view mode, and copy widgets to the clipboard.


Choose a layout that includes the number of widgets that you want to display. You can customize the view to display the widgets that you want to see by clicking on a widget and selecting another widget from the Widgets drop-down list (Settings > Widgets).


Field/Option Description
Widgets Customize the view by clicking on a widget in the view and then selecting a widget from this menu. This menu includes Overview and Fuse Analysis widgets.
Overview widgets:
  • The Activity Status vertical stack bar chart shows the number of planned, in progress, and complete activities.
  • The Activity Type Pie chart displays the number and percentage of each type of activity (normal, summary, milestone).
  • The Forensics widget displays the values from the fields that you are using on the Forensics tab, including the default fields/values, in a graphical format in four groups:
    • Added/Removed Activities
    • Added/Removed/Modified Relationships
    • Added/Removed/Modified Resources
    • Activity Variances
  • The Logic Quality widget displays four types of information:
    • The Relationship Types Pie chart displays the relationship types as a number and percentage.
    • Lags displays leads and lags as a number and percentage.
    • Activity Logic Checks displays Open Ends, Circular Logic, Soft Constraints, and Hard Constraints, as a percentage.
    • Relationship Logic Checks displays Redundancy Index, Logic on Summaries, Out of Sequence, and Reverse Logic as numbers.
  • The Status Overview widget displays four types of information:
    • Completed Activities as a percent.
    • Actual Cost in million dollar increments.
    • Actual Work in 1,000 hour increments.
    • Earned Value in million dollar increments.

Fuse Analysis Widgets are diagnostics analysis widgets driven by the diagnostics metrics/views. The available widgets depend on the diagnostics that you have in the Metrics library. If a metric is removed from diagnostics, it is not available here as a widget.

View Mode Use this command to group by ribbons or metrics and display in horizontal or vertical mode.
Autofit Select this command to automatically fit the data within the widget to the window, eliminating scrolling.
Copy Select this command to copy the current widget to the clipboard.
Font Use this command to select the font for each widget.


Field/Option Description
Copy to Clipboard Select this command to copy the dashboard to the clipboard.